Meet Us!

Amy and I met when we both moved to the small desert town of Page, AZ. We immediately bonded over our similar interests in travel, the outdoors, and the fact that we both have an almost painful amount of things we want to do in this life! In the years that followed, we took our kids and families on many adventures, and then finally decided to put our combined passion of the outdoors, curiosity, adventure, and connection with our children to good use. Thus, Rooted & Wild Adventure Co. was born. Click under our pictures to get to know more about us individually!

  • Founder


    I am the mother of three kids whose favorite thing is taking my little ones with me on trips and outdoor adventures. The first international flight we booked for our family of five had us so excited, that me and husband ran around the house screaming with our hands in the air like Kevin McCallister, in Home Alone. Despite the inconveniences of travel with a 6 year old, 5 year old, and four month old, that first trip to Iceland lit a fire in us, and we never looked back. Several countries later, and always plans for more, we have ridden a double decker bus in London, watched sloths climb through trees in the rain in Costa Rica, explore an old Russian toy museum in Lithuania, and spent St Patrick’s day in small-town Ireland. Maybe the only thing I personally love more than exploration is connecting with other humans. Not me whipping out my ever-growing list of deep getting-to-know-you questions that I’ve tediously compiled on the notes app of my phone, any chance I get (ex. Who is a stranger you still remember?) Professionally, I love getting to know people through photography. I was a wedding and lifestyle photographer for several years, and I like to call my style of photography “noticing”. I recently put aside taking pictures as a profession, to follow a path of self discovery and healing. I just received my 200-hour yoga teacher training from an Ashram in Hawaii, and am so excited to incorporate asana and meditation into our adventures. I recently became Wilderness First Responder certified and feel equipped in a backcountry setting. I used to wonder how I would ever incorporate all the things I love into something meaningful in my life. When Amy approached me about this business, I felt immediately in my core, “this is what you’ve been waiting for”. And I couldn’t be more thrilled to be apart of you are your daughter’s own journey of connection and growth.

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    I grew up in Cincinnati, amidst green rolling hills, humid mosquito-filled summers, and the most awesome thunder storms. While my friends hung at the mall on summer weekends, my dad insisted on dangling my siblings and I off cliff-sides to learn the basics of repelling. My parents were big fans of good old-fashioned fun and we spent lots of family time camping, hiking, rock climbing, and learning to water ski off “Old Smokey”, our endearing sparkly 80’s boat that is still kickin’.

    Now as parents to three little ladies, my husband Scott and I love adventuring with them and introducing them to every outdoor activity under the sun. It is such a thrill to watch them develop skills and confidence outside.

    Our favorite family adventures have included snorkeling with sea turtles in Puerto Rico, staying at an organic farm in Costa Rica, hiking with wildflowers in the Rocky Mountains, yurt-camping along the southern coast of the Everglades. We are huge fans of National Parks and you bet we have quite the collection of Junior Ranger badges.

    At any point of time, I have at least 4 family trip itineraries planned in my back pocket, just in case we can sneak something in. :)

    While living in Page, I was on the founding board of Glen Canyon Outdoor Academy, bringing outdoor-based education to elementary school students in the area.

    I’m convinced that most people are good, and the world is absolutely spilling over with amazing experiences and places.

    One of my very favorite things is introducing people to new places and experiences, so I am thrilled to bring other mothers and daughters along on this journey! Can’t wait to see you on the trail!